Monday, October 10, 2011

Random Clarity

Doesn't God have an amazing color palate?

My family and I had a great opportunity to spend 24 hours with a group of college students and a ministry I highly value. The camp and scenery astounding; it’s beauty to be savored, like a great meal. Their Pastor is a friend, mentor and uncompromising when it comes to directing hearts and lives toward our creator and savior. In fact my earlier post was actually foundational in some of the things I shared with the students. What a blast to speak, think and interact with people who are hungry for the best way to do life! People like that electrify me! Opportunities like that bring clarity and focus. So here is some random clarity:

  • Don’t waste time with people who don’t make you better; serve everyone you meet.
  • Truth sought and shared has a way of bringing the most unlikely people into intimate relationship: Truth embraced is the ultimate standard to measure value.
  • Truth applied and lived is also the greatest divider of men; don’t sacrifice right for relationship even if she’s “the one”.
  • The workload necessary to gain wisdom and succeed becomes lighter when done in community; if there is dissent allow truth to be the judge.
  • Unity within a group is not measured by style or sameness, but heart and truth.

Think about it:

  1. Who is it that you’re wowed by?
  2. Who causes you to strive for being the best: Do you fill your life with them? (1 and 2 need to be the same!) 
  3. Do you serve all you meet or shortchange people you find irritating? (Service is giving all, exactly what they need even if it’s a rebuke; do it in gentleness and love!)
  4.  Are you someone who is a beacon of truth, bringing unity to all who would embrace it; constantly striving to acquire wisdom, or are you one who is fearful of offense and loosing relationship, causing truth to suffer; obscuring wisdom?
  5. Are you striving to be one who adds value to the life of all you meet while bringing clarity to those in your life?

1 comment:

12-arrows said...

That was AWESOME! I've got a lot to think about and answer from your questions. This was truly a great weekend; with the family centered around God and His body.