He grasped the bone, it was a jawbone; it felt made for his hand. He marveled inwardly at the power he felt surging through his arm and body. The smile on his face seemed only to enrage those he faced. It was over in a moment yet the area seemed still to ring with the sound of the weapon at one with his arm, strength and body as it met heads, appendages, and torsos crushing, impaling and reigning destruction. Blood dripped from it as he looked at the last of his assailants dead at his feet his head cleaved from his body by the jawbone and the terrific blow that was effortless for him. The number had been no match for his strength, speed and fury.
From the moment he could remember he had known he was different. It was more than the special treatment, diet, and lifestyle, in fact it was more than the unusual strength; he just knew in his spirit, that and the fact that His parents had told him so often.
His parents … They had recounted so many times the excitement they had held at his announcement and birth. Their words still echoed in his mind; “we couldn’t believe it when we found out we were going to have a baby and even more that you were chosen for such a special mission. We’ve been so careful; making sure we did all we could to prepare you, though I’m sure there has been failure. You are so special to us and to God, soon all will know.”

He enjoyed his life even though some of it seemed constraining and didn't make sense to him; in fact he worked hard at ignoring it. He walked back to his home pleased with himself and looking forward to seeing her. She had replaced his first love with ease. His blind rage subsiding shortly after he destroyed his first love's clan, it wasn’t long before his heart and appetite’s searching had found her. As she met him at the door his heart leapt and his loins stirred; she was everything his eyes, hands and body longed for; she spoke to his ego and affirmed his value.
Time passed and their relationship though not perfect was very satisfying, he even enjoyed the flirtatious badgering that ensued as she with great sensuality teased and pushed to understand his power and ability. Let's face it the sex or the promise of it was exhilarating ...it was hot, just like her body.
Every joint in his body ached, the pain in his arms though excruciating couldn't compare to the throbbing in his head. Blood still warm had begun to crust over from the holes in his face where his eyes had once been. Drifting in and out of consciousness he could hear the sound of the music and party above him. In that moment of realization; his heart broken, filled with guilt and regret, all his failure came flooding in. No tears came, though he wept bitterly in his spirit; they couldn't his eyes were gone. Crying out with a primal groan knowing his appetite for intimacy, the thing he thought would be answered in her, had derailed his entire life and mission; he embraced his failure and asked that in his death he might follow his call one last time. As the dust settled and the air became quite he had sealed his story and his epitaph, doing in death what he had failed to do in life. It all started with: "I saw a woman, get her for me!" It ended in death. Where will your heart and relationships take you? Will they help fulfill your calling or lead you to an early death; if not physically, the death of your call?
Let me ask you: Do your students understand how to make sense of their appetites? Do they understand unlike Samson, it's God's intent to fulfill them, that he designed them and the only way they will ever answer them is to follow His design? Do they know their lives, the call they long to follow can be found in no other place than a relationship with God through Christ? How many will end up like Samson finding out too late?
How about you: Are you prepared to show them the way? It's your job, life and call! Don't you dare allow their desires and the worlds answers to give birth to their destruction. Help your students discover what they were born to do; their call. Need some help putting together the tools? Click here for a free resource (it's at the bottom of the page, but read the material, you might want to use it.) and Contact me for more help!
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