Wednesday, November 2, 2011


At any given point someone could walk into your youth ministry and be critical. They could, from one snapshot edit out all you are doing well, to turn your student’s hearts to Christ. I walked into a youth meeting kids were having fun, some playing a game of “sting-pong”, others laughing and chatting. Inquiring later on concerning the event or meeting, I received mixed reviews and summaries on the purpose and the impact.

I get it, students need a sense of belonging; it takes time and a lot of what appears as interaction with no purpose, to establish it. Given it’s so easy for things to be taken out of context what are you doing to clearly articulate the pieces, their integration and purpose of all you’re doing? It goes beyond mission statement and good marketing pieces. It starts with you having a “Master Plan for Ministry”. Do you? Chances are, given all the demands on your life and the fact that you’re groping your way through a whole bunch of reality not covered in your classes at school (funny how much simply can’t be taught, life is kinda like that, that’s why internships are so great!), you haven’t established all the pieces of one yet. Larry The Cable guy has the greatest piece of advice for you…. “Get-R-done”.  Check out the link and contact these guys. They can help!

That said; is there someone, farther down the road who you can interact with? Find someone to walk with you, mentor you, to be your confidant and sounding board. You need it; your students will be the beneficiaries. Next time: Repeat, repeat, repeat… tell them why, your doing, what your doing.

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