"...is this how you identify your ministry pieces and their workings?"
It's a no brainer, no really it's that simple! Ah but not that easy. To build a youth ministry that is focused, strategic and effective, your people, have to know how every part fits; why your doing, what your doing and it's significance. So you tell them at every turn, in every meeting: "This is what it is , this is why we are doing it." Repeat, repeat, and say it one more time, repeat. Simple! So why did I say it wasn't easy? Because it demands you have an almost "zen" like understanding of all your doing. (Obviously I'm using this term in a very broad sense, to represent the mystical, all knowing, intuitive, abilities presented in hollywood as the "supernatural" feats of such masters.) To put it in biblical terms you have to have an experiential understanding of your ministry, it's pieces and their expected out come. It's Paul's cry in Philippians 3, when he says he wants to "...know Christ and the power of His resurrection."
So unlike our friend in satirist Sidney Harris' cartoon, your understanding/ability of your ministry and philosophy, needs to be far more clear than:
"Then A Miracle Happens". Start working it out, get the help you need. Again your ministry, students, parents, leaders and church will
"...rise up and call you blessed"!
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