Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Free, but Retrieving It; That's The Hard Part!

I've put up a an above ground pool before, so when my wife with joy in her voice told me we were just given a pool I had visions of; ground prep,(the first one took two weeks of back breaking digging and it still wasn't level!), thousands of screws for the supports, unrolling, trying to hold up and in place the thin metal side that bows, bends and proves unstable with the slightest wind; then comes the liner! Ah the liner even if you do get all the wrinkles out (never could, and it drove me nuts!) you will, once filled, feel every microscopic, minute piece of rock or debris as if it is going to come through the bottom rupturing the pool. Imagine my response when she in the next breath told me it was a gift from our friends where it had sat for the last 15 plus years! All we had to do was take it down and reassemble it here! Remember all those screws and that unwieldy metal? Now it was 15 years old, probably rusted and brittle.... Great I can't wait to tackle this one!

This is what I picture when my wife says; "Pool".

This is What my wife sees when she says; "Pool"..... Family fun!

Well I did it; my sons and I. We enjoyed that pool for another eight years and yes it was hard work, but very worth the effort.

When you tell your students about their need for understanding, knowledge and wisdom; letting them in on the fact that God gives liberally to all who would ask, don't forget to add a good dose of Proverbs 2, to the "Free" part of James 1! It is free, but it will take effort and work to retrieve it. It's not a Knowledge dump from Heaven complete with Neon sign saying: "Walk this way." Remember Proverbs tells us we have to seek it, dig for it as treasure, cry out for it... EFFORT! Well worth it though... Give em the good news ... don't hide the hard work.

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