Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

As a little boy I was captivated by bigger than life hero’s: “The Lone Ranger”, “Superman” and “Roy Rogers”. I wanted to be, a “singing Cowboy!” I wanted to ride the strongest, smartest, horse , be the fastest gun, take out bad guys with one punch, be unbelievably shrewd with “smarts” to spare, always ready and able to save the day; especially the damsel in distress. My story would always end with a song in the saddle, and a girl watching me ride away; a smile on her lips and a tear on her cheek! (Happy Trails to you) I wanted to leap tall buildings in a single bound, be more powerful than a locomotive, and faster than a speeding bullet.

About this time our culture and academic elite became infatuated with “the noble savage” giving credibility to the animistic lifestyle of natives in history and untouched peoples. I quickly signed up! Having read the classic story, “My side of the Mountain”, I was ready to find a cool Indian name, live off the land, let my hair grow, become an expert with the long bow, hatchet and knife, make fire with sticks and stones, ride bareback through the world, while hunting down dinner and criminals with my always fast unbelievable horse utilizing the skills of my golden eagle trained by me from a hatchling, and of course, saving the day, the world and the damsel in distress. Wasn’t much for the native lyrics and melodies though!

Then the world, my world, changed; on a Friday night, I met the “Green Hornet”. Kato his side kick (alias Bruce Lee) was the man! I would be the next “Karate King” ….still singing, the music still there; after all there is only one King! You know what I mean baby?! Thank you, thank very much! ("Viva Las Vegas")

Given the rage of the Cartoon world and comic books; (yes I read them!) with guys like “Iron Man, Spiderman, and Dare- Devil etc…. I wanted to be, A singing Cowboy with a voice like Elvis, a physique like superman, skilled like a savage driven by justice, able to dispatch all evil and enemies that may threaten my loved ones and world, with my superhuman martial art skills, and of course saving the girl!

You know what? I still haven’t found that job. There isn’t much of a market for that; except in the world of make believe and movies! I must admit my sense of self was clouded and affected by the early days of Hollywood. Fortunately there was still a strong moral base in our world then, though it was fading fast and more residual than anything; it at least fed and moved me toward a sort of decency. While all these things are filled with so many false primacies on life and living, each of them held something that resonated within me. They tended to electrify the hard wiring in my life. I love: adventure, an element of danger, being a help, coming along side of people, testing my “metal” and the outdoors. I am loyal to a fault, a romantic and a gentleman. I still long to do great things, not satisfied with status quo I tend to ask “why” a lot and have a sense of justice that will not quit, always on a quest for truth!
Each of us is born with innate desires and a skill set to be honed and used. They are the things our dreams are made of; our design! As a result we are naturally drawn to certain lifestyles and things. How are you wired? What were you meant to do? What things resonate in your core?
This is a pivotal point for all. It is here that in an effort to answer these innate drives and passions many of us head down the wrong path looking in the wrong places to fulfill our hardwiring; many times conforming to a certain image or path. For some their effort destroying the very thing they seek; life, happiness and fulfillment.
Take heart it was never suppose to be that way and it doesn’t have to be now! What is it that sets your natural timbre to ringing? What things cause you to feel most alive? It’s never too late to start the process of discovery, too live life knowing you are “centered” answering the call of your life, soul and creator.

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