The sun was warm, the air on; I was tired as I neared my home. It had been a long day! Seventy miles east and then back dropping off a son at college; now four hours of drive time to the north and back to help another son retrieve his "ride" that was there for repairs.
Watching approaching traffic as I neared my turn off, I passed a local police cruiser headed in the opposite direction. Now seeing his brake lights and hasty "U" turn I was not only tired but sick. Looking down at my speed;.he had me! Ouch!
I muttered to myself as the officer approached and I retrieved all the necessary information to hand him; "Lord you know I don't need this ticket but you're in charge"; resolved to take it like a man, window down, I waited.
"Sir, license and registration please. I had you going ...." I looked up. "You"; he said. "Hello" I replied. Apologetically, I explained my day and inattentive speed, handing him my information.
For a number of years now I've taught as a substitute in our district, mostly in the high school. I like rubbing elbows with people in that stage of life. Ever watch how many adults treat and respond to youth; those insolent, brash, self directed, full of life and unrestraint, those teenagers? Like I said, I like them! I've made it a practice due to my own awareness, to offer a lot of kindness and respect to students. My own time vested during those years has taught me much; but that's another story! Addressing them with Mr. or Miss., involving myself not just in the subject of the hour to be delivered, but in their needs of the day, just a little kindness and concern, never spending time with most outside the class room or hallways. They respond even in times of correction, which were often with some, in a reciprocal manner. I see them in stores or on the street, across parking lots, and they beam with recognition, even across a crowded store, greeting me with smiles and warm hellos!
The face of the officer looking in my window was one of those former students! "Any arrests or warrants?" He chuckled moving to his cruiser. Waiting for his return seemed like an eternity! Handing my information back he said; "you're clean! Have a good day Mr. ....!" "Thanks", I replied. "I will and I will watch my speed!" No Ticket, Yes! Can you imagine the scenario though deserved had "Seeds" of kindness not been my choice with he or other students? Now he the authority and I the underling it could be ugly! Retribution is a painful bill to pay!
Never in my dreams did I imagine as I interacted in the schools and class rooms that I would face a moment like this. I didnt plan for it or measure my responses based on role reversal in the future. Being kind and planting seeds of kindness produces a harvest that is reaped when least expected! Plant some even with that unbearable client! It is right and it works! Some where I believe there is an axiom, "treat others as you would be treated"; somewhere I think I've read this.
Want some mercy and kindness? Hand it out liberally! A speeding ticket is incidental, changing lives our calling!
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