Accelerant: a substance or catalyst used to;
1. To increase the speed of.
2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly: a substance used to accelerate a fire.
4 .
1. To increase the speed of.
2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly: a substance used to accelerate a fire.
4 .
a. To reduce the time required for (an academic course, for example); compress into a shorter period.
b. To make it possible for (a student) to finish an academic course faster than usual.
5. Physics. To change the velocity of.
b. To make it possible for (a student) to finish an academic course faster than usual.
5. Physics. To change the velocity of.
Setting around the table, a chill in the air; the open fire place could just not keep up with the drafts of the log structure we fondly called “the Chalet”; all of us fully charged with possibilities. This was a meeting of some unusual individuals. Ordinary by all accounts of the typical world we live in; different because they came to take stock of what had been and dream of what might be. You can find a variety of them any given fall gathering for an intensive week of leadership development in the wilds of Canada. We had come early, a think tank of sorts to map out future possibilities of life, individually and for this undefined group whose face changed yearly with the many needs of life we all find. These were good times; anticipation of the physical challenges that waited in the journey, as well as new faces to match with familiar souls. Though many had never met, all carried a common thread; the desire for change, for transformation of their lives and those they knew and were yet to know.
Laughing and joking about our different exploits and adventures in this setting and our personal lives you could sense the dynamic growing. We were on the verge of new heights you could feel it! Late into the night we talked and laughed when a comment by an individual stopped my brain abruptly. Trading leadership experiences, laughing at our own catastrophes someone commented to him and me “You two are catalysts for disaster!” His reply grasped my soul! “Catalyst?” he said. “I’m not a catalyst, I’m an accelerant! Catalysts only start the reaction, I not only start it, I speed it up exponentially!” Wow!
That’s it! In life I just don’t want to start the change in people’s lives I want to accelerate it! It is my passion to see individuals understand their design and see the possibilities for application and then act on it.
Let me start with you the reader! What are your skills and abilities; your passions and desires? What are your Dreams? Can you identify them; can you remember them? What time are you investing in them? What are you investing in? Start your list; identify your dreams, invest a few hours in it this week! Read, exercise, spend some time with your family, and spend some time nurturing your soul! Invest some time in your success! Then let me know how you’re doing, what you’re doing and what your challenges are! You can help me accelerate my own life and dreams!
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We love to make memories . . . the ones the kids will remember for a lifetime.
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