In the following you will find a note from a Father to His son on the verge of completing basic training and the beginning of his military tour. I find it amazing the Dads concern was not primarily for safety though I’m sure it was there but his sons higher call; a call to a mission far greater and more dangerous than he would be facing in a few short months.
In the following sentences I find so many correlations to those who desire something more; the “Free Agents” if you will. In the correlations the observations and questions beg to be stated; we are called to fulfill God’s design for our lives as a means of blessing to this world, a means of fulfillment to our souls and a means of fulfillment of His kingdom plan. Do you know the code? Will you embrace it? Will you be a part of that “Band of Brothers”, ready to provoke all you touch to find their place in “The Mission”?
Dear Son,
You have endured things you once thought impossible, things you ran from at the slightest hint of discomfort or difficulty. You have chosen to join a group of elite men who compared to the masses are few in number and fewer still those who succeed. You have done this for personal reasons as well as a sense of duty and warrior spirit. In the course of your service, you may be called upon to endure even more extreme things, even more unimaginable all for the sake of an ideal and concept called freedom. You will go above and beyond for those who stand next to you and call you brother, or battle buddy those who by training and choice will be willing to sacrifice their lives for you and you for them, all for this ideal. You will do all to live up to or die for the code you have learned. Sometimes the orders issued will be seemingly purposeless, sometimes ludicrous, even plain stupid. Yet you will obey and serve even sacrifice for this thing called duty and honor. You do this willingly, with joy that you might become someone worthy of respect, and do something worthy of respect. I applaud you; I am proud of you and celebrate this with you.
I do not question your motives or your resolve; you will succeed. Instead I think of the war that rages around us daily with an enemy more subtle and deadly than any terrorist could ever be by design or accident. I think of the countless who will be lost in this battle now and for eternity, and I ask: Will you do any less for this mission and call than you are willing to do for the one you are pursuing now? Will you discipline yourself; deny yourself comfort and ease that you might prepare to face an enemy more cunning than any earthly foe? Will you with a sense of joy and pride pursue the same level of training to assist the one who made you and calls you in this life and in the next? Will you have the same sense of duty and honor that comes from joining this elite group and will you, like now, be willing to give your life for the one next to you in this battle? The call is clear the battle will be waged first in your own soul and appetites. Who will win, who will defend you or those who pursue such a cause? Who will discipline and train others to engage the enemy and win? Who will be the “BAND OF BROTHERS”? Your God awaits your choice, as does His Body, as does your family. I pose this to you not because I doubt your choice thus far but what of tomorrow? What of the day that the enemy comes, clothed in ease and comfort or pleasures promised apart from the truth? Worse yet he subverts the truth and you believe it. Remember unlike the battle you are training for now, this one comes not so much in the planned campaigns and heat of battle but in the day to day routine and leisure we pursue.
I Love you my son and send this to you not as a notice of shortcoming or failure on your part, but as a warning to beware, be alert, and stay the course you are pursuing in your letters. God wants you, always has, and we need you to truly be all you can be! The enemy, Satan knows your weakness he will use your real needs against you. Be wise my son! Our God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus! That is straight from His word. Pray that I can do a better job of modeling this and trusting Him for those still in my care. I pray for you and Love you so, you are my boy do well my son.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Accelerant: a substance or catalyst used to;
1. To increase the speed of.
2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly: a substance used to accelerate a fire.
4 .
1. To increase the speed of.
2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly: a substance used to accelerate a fire.
4 .
a. To reduce the time required for (an academic course, for example); compress into a shorter period.
b. To make it possible for (a student) to finish an academic course faster than usual.
5. Physics. To change the velocity of.
b. To make it possible for (a student) to finish an academic course faster than usual.
5. Physics. To change the velocity of.
Setting around the table, a chill in the air; the open fire place could just not keep up with the drafts of the log structure we fondly called “the Chalet”; all of us fully charged with possibilities. This was a meeting of some unusual individuals. Ordinary by all accounts of the typical world we live in; different because they came to take stock of what had been and dream of what might be. You can find a variety of them any given fall gathering for an intensive week of leadership development in the wilds of Canada. We had come early, a think tank of sorts to map out future possibilities of life, individually and for this undefined group whose face changed yearly with the many needs of life we all find. These were good times; anticipation of the physical challenges that waited in the journey, as well as new faces to match with familiar souls. Though many had never met, all carried a common thread; the desire for change, for transformation of their lives and those they knew and were yet to know.
Laughing and joking about our different exploits and adventures in this setting and our personal lives you could sense the dynamic growing. We were on the verge of new heights you could feel it! Late into the night we talked and laughed when a comment by an individual stopped my brain abruptly. Trading leadership experiences, laughing at our own catastrophes someone commented to him and me “You two are catalysts for disaster!” His reply grasped my soul! “Catalyst?” he said. “I’m not a catalyst, I’m an accelerant! Catalysts only start the reaction, I not only start it, I speed it up exponentially!” Wow!
That’s it! In life I just don’t want to start the change in people’s lives I want to accelerate it! It is my passion to see individuals understand their design and see the possibilities for application and then act on it.
Let me start with you the reader! What are your skills and abilities; your passions and desires? What are your Dreams? Can you identify them; can you remember them? What time are you investing in them? What are you investing in? Start your list; identify your dreams, invest a few hours in it this week! Read, exercise, spend some time with your family, and spend some time nurturing your soul! Invest some time in your success! Then let me know how you’re doing, what you’re doing and what your challenges are! You can help me accelerate my own life and dreams!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Seeds of Kindness
The sun was warm, the air on; I was tired as I neared my home. It had been a long day! Seventy miles east and then back dropping off a son at college; now four hours of drive time to the north and back to help another son retrieve his "ride" that was there for repairs.
Watching approaching traffic as I neared my turn off, I passed a local police cruiser headed in the opposite direction. Now seeing his brake lights and hasty "U" turn I was not only tired but sick. Looking down at my speed;.he had me! Ouch!
I muttered to myself as the officer approached and I retrieved all the necessary information to hand him; "Lord you know I don't need this ticket but you're in charge"; resolved to take it like a man, window down, I waited.
"Sir, license and registration please. I had you going ...." I looked up. "You"; he said. "Hello" I replied. Apologetically, I explained my day and inattentive speed, handing him my information.
For a number of years now I've taught as a substitute in our district, mostly in the high school. I like rubbing elbows with people in that stage of life. Ever watch how many adults treat and respond to youth; those insolent, brash, self directed, full of life and unrestraint, those teenagers? Like I said, I like them! I've made it a practice due to my own awareness, to offer a lot of kindness and respect to students. My own time vested during those years has taught me much; but that's another story! Addressing them with Mr. or Miss., involving myself not just in the subject of the hour to be delivered, but in their needs of the day, just a little kindness and concern, never spending time with most outside the class room or hallways. They respond even in times of correction, which were often with some, in a reciprocal manner. I see them in stores or on the street, across parking lots, and they beam with recognition, even across a crowded store, greeting me with smiles and warm hellos!
The face of the officer looking in my window was one of those former students! "Any arrests or warrants?" He chuckled moving to his cruiser. Waiting for his return seemed like an eternity! Handing my information back he said; "you're clean! Have a good day Mr. ....!" "Thanks", I replied. "I will and I will watch my speed!" No Ticket, Yes! Can you imagine the scenario though deserved had "Seeds" of kindness not been my choice with he or other students? Now he the authority and I the underling it could be ugly! Retribution is a painful bill to pay!
Never in my dreams did I imagine as I interacted in the schools and class rooms that I would face a moment like this. I didnt plan for it or measure my responses based on role reversal in the future. Being kind and planting seeds of kindness produces a harvest that is reaped when least expected! Plant some even with that unbearable client! It is right and it works! Some where I believe there is an axiom, "treat others as you would be treated"; somewhere I think I've read this.
Want some mercy and kindness? Hand it out liberally! A speeding ticket is incidental, changing lives our calling!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
As a little boy I was captivated by bigger than life hero’s: “The Lone Ranger”, “Superman” and “Roy Rogers”. I wanted to be, a “singing Cowboy!” I wanted to ride the strongest, smartest, horse , be the fastest gun, take out bad guys with one punch, be unbelievably shrewd with “smarts” to spare, always ready and able to save the day; especially the damsel in distress. My story would always end with a song in the saddle, and a girl watching me ride away; a smile on her lips and a tear on her cheek! (Happy Trails to you) I wanted to leap tall buildings in a single bound, be more powerful than a locomotive, and faster than a speeding bullet.
About this time our culture and academic elite became infatuated with “the noble savage” giving credibility to the animistic lifestyle of natives in history and untouched peoples. I quickly signed up! Having read the classic story, “My side of the Mountain”, I was ready to find a cool Indian name, live off the land, let my hair grow, become an expert with the long bow, hatchet and knife, make fire with sticks and stones, ride bareback through the world, while hunting down dinner and criminals with my always fast unbelievable horse utilizing the skills of my golden eagle trained by me from a hatchling, and of course, saving the day, the world and the damsel in distress. Wasn’t much for the native lyrics and melodies though!
Then the world, my world, changed; on a Friday night, I met the “Green Hornet”. Kato his side kick (alias Bruce Lee) was the man! I would be the next “Karate King” ….still singing, the music still there; after all there is only one King! You know what I mean baby?! Thank you, thank very much! ("Viva Las Vegas")
You know what? I still haven’t found that job. There isn’t much of a market for that; except in the world of make believe and movies! I must admit my sense of self was clouded and affected by the early days of Hollywood. Fortunately there was still a strong moral base in our world then, though it was fading fast and more residual than anything; it at least fed and moved me toward a sort of decency. While all these things are filled with so many false primacies on life and living, each of them held something that resonated within me. They tended to electrify the hard wiring in my life. I love: adventure, an element of danger, being a help, coming along side of people, testing my “metal” and the outdoors. I am loyal to a fault, a romantic and a gentleman. I still long to do great things, not satisfied with status quo I tend to ask “why” a lot and have a sense of justice that will not quit, always on a quest for truth!
Given the rage of the Cartoon world and comic books; (yes I read them!) with guys like “Iron Man, Spiderman, and Dare- Devil etc…. I wanted to be, A singing Cowboy with a voice like Elvis, a physique like superman, skilled like a savage driven by justice, able to dispatch all evil and enemies that may threaten my loved ones and world, with my superhuman martial art skills, and of course saving the girl!
You know what? I still haven’t found that job. There isn’t much of a market for that; except in the world of make believe and movies! I must admit my sense of self was clouded and affected by the early days of Hollywood. Fortunately there was still a strong moral base in our world then, though it was fading fast and more residual than anything; it at least fed and moved me toward a sort of decency. While all these things are filled with so many false primacies on life and living, each of them held something that resonated within me. They tended to electrify the hard wiring in my life. I love: adventure, an element of danger, being a help, coming along side of people, testing my “metal” and the outdoors. I am loyal to a fault, a romantic and a gentleman. I still long to do great things, not satisfied with status quo I tend to ask “why” a lot and have a sense of justice that will not quit, always on a quest for truth!
Each of us is born with innate desires and a skill set to be honed and used. They are the things our dreams are made of; our design! As a result we are naturally drawn to certain lifestyles and things. How are you wired? What were you meant to do? What things resonate in your core?
This is a pivotal point for all. It is here that in an effort to answer these innate drives and passions many of us head down the wrong path looking in the wrong places to fulfill our hardwiring; many times conforming to a certain image or path. For some their effort destroying the very thing they seek; life, happiness and fulfillment.
This is a pivotal point for all. It is here that in an effort to answer these innate drives and passions many of us head down the wrong path looking in the wrong places to fulfill our hardwiring; many times conforming to a certain image or path. For some their effort destroying the very thing they seek; life, happiness and fulfillment.
Take heart it was never suppose to be that way and it doesn’t have to be now! What is it that sets your natural timbre to ringing? What things cause you to feel most alive? It’s never too late to start the process of discovery, too live life knowing you are “centered” answering the call of your life, soul and creator.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Life to the Max; HAPPY EASTER"
Standing in front of the refrigerator I’ve opened for the 10th time in the last seven minutes; I’ve tasted everything it offers that might appeal to me and now full, I’m still hungry, I’m still not satisfied.
Designed for greatness, marred and limited both by our own nature and choice; we look throughout our days for help, direction and hope, sometimes rescue. Left to ourselves, we drift, struggling to find our center and niche; that one thing that offers fulfillment and meaning to our existence and lives. Continually standing in front of the “refrigerator of life” tasting anything of interest, nothing satiates the deep hunger or our souls. We are full but not satisfied.
Designed for greatness, marred and limited both by our own nature and choice; we look throughout our days for help, direction and hope, sometimes rescue. Left to ourselves, we drift, struggling to find our center and niche; that one thing that offers fulfillment and meaning to our existence and lives. Continually standing in front of the “refrigerator of life” tasting anything of interest, nothing satiates the deep hunger or our souls. We are full but not satisfied.
Easter is as much about the restoration of our own lives to their original design and intent, as it is to the reconciliation of the relationship with our Creator and God. (So many people limit their understanding of Easter, to a religious experience meant to offer heaven, confined to holidays and structured liturgy for certain hours and times of the week organized and controlled only by professionals.) In fact, it is in that reconciled relationship the reality of our design becomes viable! In a day when so many are looking for meaning and answers are you offering more than just “pie in the sky” are you offering the tangible “now”, that truly satisfies?
Don’t get me wrong I want heaven and all it represents! In this season as we contemplate the gift of Christ’s sacrifice and His resurrection know this; His payment of our debt for failed lives and mutated natures, offers transformation, not only of a broken relationship with God himself, but of ourselves. We are “born again” to fulfill the hunger of our souls. It was God’s design, it is our destiny. His amazing gift is the source, His Spirit; our resource. Our lives, their desire, design and response; the results, “the now”!
Christ’s sacrifice and victory offers access to the mind of the creator, and life to the maximum! It truly is a position of “under stated and over delivered”! I hope you are celebrating it, this season especially and doing all you can to thrive in it, daily delivering it to all you touch!
Have a Blessed Easter!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Runnin Wild!
For some time now I've been chewing on this verse
Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish....."
For so long I read this verse and with the onset of the “mega church gurus”, believed in order to be a good leader, Father, husband, Pastor etc it was about designing and dreaming big dreams, then making them a reality, “Vision Casting.” I even have a plaque that says "Lead with Vision"! It all had to be generated by me! I thought it was about getting people to see the dreams I developed, especially of a church or church program. While there is truth in this partially, I've only recently discovered the root and more accurate truth of the verse. I would be the first to say it's not about church programs and getting people to see and attend, but it is about getting people to see and hear clearly God and his plans, for their lives and His kingdom.
Let me show you what I mean. The verse is literally talking about prophets having visions from God! This was a manner God often used to reveal his mind and plan to the prophets. So, where there is no revelation from God, where God is not communicating to people or being communicated with, people looking for answers to their appetites, drives and needs, end up perishing! Literally (again) casting off restraint and running wild resulting in death, like a train throwing away its tracks, out of control.
So, no revelation from God means; no direction or understanding and everything is up for grabs, relationships, sex, lying, cheating, stealing, hatred, gossip. You name it! Nothing is off limits! I, not hearing Gods voice declaring truth, cast off restraint running to my death, as I try and satisfy every appetite I have, my own way, looking to everything under the sun.
So here is where it has been taking me. My own need to hear God daily in the voice of the scripture, my families need for the same, and even more, the glaring commentary on why many people I love have experienced the casting off of restraint, and it's resulting heartache. They have not heard, do not hear, the voice of God. I share this to challenge, beg, implore you; do not shut out His voice, seek his revelation or you will, in your pursuit of life and the feeding of your desires, destroy your life. Your pursuits will be empty and you will DIE!
So here is where it has been taking me. My own need to hear God daily in the voice of the scripture, my families need for the same, and even more, the glaring commentary on why many people I love have experienced the casting off of restraint, and it's resulting heartache. They have not heard, do not hear, the voice of God. I share this to challenge, beg, implore you; do not shut out His voice, seek his revelation or you will, in your pursuit of life and the feeding of your desires, destroy your life. Your pursuits will be empty and you will DIE!
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