Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Don't Be A Fool!

Our Students seem so unclear on the subject of friends, family and "Love". Give 'em a dose of Wisdom!

You can’t choose your family; you can’t choose, whom it is you love; you must extend that act to all: You can choose your friends; those you would emulate, embrace and take into your confidence. You can choose, “who” you give your heart too!

Are you clear on the difference? Love is not an emotion to be controlled by; it is a gift to be offered. While we are to love all, we do not, should not, offer unwittingly, the key to our hearts and lives to one who would do us great harm.

We are told to: “guard your heart”, to: “…not go with the angry man”, lest we become like him. An English proverb says: “A fool is known by the company he keeps”. A biblical proverb says it this way: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Prov. 13:20

How clear does it have to be? Love all, embrace wisely: give no fool your heart! (No matter the illusion of beauty, wealth or position!)

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