Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

How did we inherit such a great nation?

Oh yeah, great ordinary people who beleived; diversity was choosing, a different than normal path home or which side of the bed you jumped out of; you didn't have many choices, life was hard and it was okay. Tolerance, was putting up with relatives who stayed to long; it was a effort to visit or be visited and special, beside, everybody knew what was appropriate, moral and noble even when they failed at it. Mostly, in-spite of the re-constructionists, all held at least a mental adherence to and acceptance of Christianity as the standard; a belief in a natural law with God as the author.

We've come a long way baby!

As I celebrate this Independence Day I will cherish not just what is, with all it's great benefits, but the lives of all who made it possible through out history; moved by a sense of mission and purpose destined and delivered by their creator! What about you? What will you share with your students about this great event in our history? Do you believe God still has a great mission that demands personal sacrifice; one that's nobel, right and electrifies your soul?

If you're looking for some entertainment that will; challenge and focus your heart on what's important, Check out Curt's web page .... schedule him for an event he won't disappoint!

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