Friday, November 16, 2012

What It Takes to Be Really Great

I confess it would be easy for me to be a “gym rat”. I love to work out. I always have but early in my life when results were slow in coming I slacked off, I didn't give it a priority. Years later through the gift of time by a young college student, I rediscovered lifting weights and the results were noticeable in a relatively short time. Thirty days changed my attitude and motivation. Two decades later and I’m still at it. The benefits are enjoyable and my success is evident, though not complete!

I love to see individuals transformed through effort, time and perseverance. I go out of my way to encourage them; I know what it takes to achieve in this arena on any level. I was talking with an individual who had packed on about thirty pounds of muscle. He went from a relatively skinny guy to one who is made note of. I acknowledged his success and encouraged him to keep up his hard work. We all need people to encourage us, letting us know when they see our consistent effort. It helps us press on when we wonder about the effects.

One of the frustrations students often face when thinking about achievement is the time it takes. We live in a society of immediacy. We want success in a given endeavor now! In the gym I see people always looking for and sometimes taking the “magic” pill, to gain fast results. I get it, I really do, but I want solid lasting results, not something that fades when I stop ingesting something!

This view of immediacy, impacts our students in every area of living; relationships, career, and of course, their walk or absence there of, with God. Telling them it’s the little things that build on each other for success is not enough. They need to see it operate in your life. So the question is what are you doing that demands discipline and not giving up; investing the time now to reap a benefit later?

“In ‘Outliers’ Malcolm Gladwell says that people who attain extraordinary success put in 10,000 hours before reaching their “success.” 

What are you investing your time in; how much time? An obvious follow up; what exactly are you asking those you lead to invest in? Are you a testament to the truth of perseverance with your time? 

Want to be really Great? After reading this you're only 10,000 hours away; get going!