In the following sentences I find so many correlations to those who desire something more; the “Free Agents” if you will. In the correlations the observations and questions beg to be stated; we are called to fulfill God’s design for our lives as a means of blessing to this world, a means of fulfillment to our souls and a means of fulfillment of His kingdom plan. Do you know the code? Will you embrace it? Will you be a part of that “Band of Brothers”, ready to provoke all you touch to find their place in “The Mission”?
Dear Son,

You have endured things you once thought impossible, things you ran from at the slightest hint of discomfort or difficulty. You have chosen to join a group of elite men who compared to the masses are few in number and fewer still those who succeed. You have done this for personal reasons as well as a sense of duty and warrior spirit. In the course of your service, you may be called upon to endure even more extreme things, even more unimaginable all for the sake of an ideal and concept called freedom. You will go above and beyond for those who stand next to you and call you brother, or battle buddy those who by training and choice will be willing to sacrifice their lives for you and you for them, all for this ideal. You will do all to live up to or die for the code you have learned. Sometimes the orders issued will be seemingly purposeless, sometimes ludicrous, even plain stupid. Yet you will obey and serve even sacrifice for this thing called duty and honor. You do this willingly, with joy that you might become someone worthy of respect, and do something worthy of respect. I applaud you; I am proud of you and celebrate this with you.
I do not question your motives or your resolve; you will succeed. Instead I think of the war that rages around us daily with an enemy more subtle and deadly than any terrorist could ever be by design or accident. I think of the countless who will be lost in this battle now and for eternity, and I ask: Will you do any less for this mission and call than you are willing to do for the one you are pursuing now? Will you discipline yourself; deny yourself comfort and ease that you might prepare to face an enemy more cunning than any earthly foe? Will you with a sense of joy and pride pursue the same level of training to assist the one who made you and calls you in this life and in the next? Will you have the same sense of duty and honor that comes from joining this elite group and will you, like now, be willing to give your life for the one next to you in this battle? The call is clear the battle will be waged first in your own soul and appetites. Who will win, who will defend you or those who pursue such a cause? Who will discipline and train others to engage the enemy and win? Who will be the “BAND OF BROTHERS”? Your God awaits your choice, as does His Body, as does your family. I pose this to you not because I doubt your choice thus far but what of tomorrow? What of the day that the enemy comes, clothed in ease and comfort or pleasures promised apart from the truth? Worse yet he subverts the truth and you believe it. Remember unlike the battle you are training for now, this one comes not so much in the planned campaigns and heat of battle but in the day to day routine and leisure we pursue.
I Love you my son and send this to you not as a notice of shortcoming or failure on your part, but as a warning to beware, be alert, and stay the course you are pursuing in your letters. God wants you, always has, and we need you to truly be all you can be! The enemy, Satan knows your weakness he will use your real needs against you. Be wise my son! Our God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus! That is straight from His word. Pray that I can do a better job of modeling this and trusting Him for those still in my care. I pray for you and Love you so, you are my boy do well my son.