For some time now I've been chewing on this verse
Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish....."
For so long I read this verse and with the onset of the “mega church gurus”, believed in order to be a good leader, Father, husband, Pastor etc it was about designing and dreaming big dreams, then making them a reality, “Vision Casting.” I even have a plaque that says "Lead with Vision"! It all had to be generated by me! I thought it was about getting people to see the dreams I developed, especially of a church or church program. While there is truth in this partially, I've only recently discovered the root and more accurate truth of the verse. I would be the first to say it's not about church programs and getting people to see and attend, but it is about getting people to see and hear clearly God and his plans, for their lives and His kingdom.
Let me show you what I mean. The verse is literally talking about prophets having visions from God! This was a manner God often used to reveal his mind and plan to the prophets. So, where there is no revelation from God, where God is not communicating to people or being communicated with, people looking for answers to their appetites, drives and needs, end up perishing! Literally (again) casting off restraint and running wild resulting in death, like a train throwing away its tracks, out of control.
So, no revelation from God means; no direction or understanding and everything is up for grabs, relationships, sex, lying, cheating, stealing, hatred, gossip. You name it! Nothing is off limits! I, not hearing Gods voice declaring truth, cast off restraint running to my death, as I try and satisfy every appetite I have, my own way, looking to everything under the sun.
So here is where it has been taking me. My own need to hear God daily in the voice of the scripture, my families need for the same, and even more, the glaring commentary on why many people I love have experienced the casting off of restraint, and it's resulting heartache. They have not heard, do not hear, the voice of God. I share this to challenge, beg, implore you; do not shut out His voice, seek his revelation or you will, in your pursuit of life and the feeding of your desires, destroy your life. Your pursuits will be empty and you will DIE!
So here is where it has been taking me. My own need to hear God daily in the voice of the scripture, my families need for the same, and even more, the glaring commentary on why many people I love have experienced the casting off of restraint, and it's resulting heartache. They have not heard, do not hear, the voice of God. I share this to challenge, beg, implore you; do not shut out His voice, seek his revelation or you will, in your pursuit of life and the feeding of your desires, destroy your life. Your pursuits will be empty and you will DIE!